Resister Bender Tool 3d Printed Used for My Commodore Projects
Resister Bender
This tool is essential when repairing or building your electronic retro components. I used it to help me make my Replica 1581 look beautiful, with perfect bends for all the components. I used it on the resistors, diodes, some capacitors and ferrite beads, made the job very easy.
How to use: Simply line up the resistor bender over the two holes untill you can see both holes touch the edge of the resistor bender and that is your size. Place the component in the slot closest the what you measured and bend the leads down against the edge, then turn the tool sideways to remove the component and solder into your board. I like to get all the components bent correctly for a circuit or part that I’m working on and then solder them in all at one. Personally, I prefer not to bend the leads of the components against the PCB, to help make removal easier ( if needed later). You can use some blue painters tape to hold components in place while you make the solder connections
3D Printed PLA
Two Sizes Included
Color: White
commodore 64 commodore 128 commodore 1541 commodore 1541-II commodore 1571