Commodore 1764 REU Ram Expansion 512k Upgrade Kit 16Pin DIP w/Sockets TESTED!!
Commodore 1764 REU Upgrade Kit
This popular CBM REU, that was used on Commodore 64/64c as well as Commodore 128/128D
Take your 256k REU all the way up to 512k by simply adding these 8 chips!!
For use with commodore computers, you can also use this to repair a broken 1750 512k Ram Expansion Module or purchase 2 and upgrade the 1700 REU version as well. You will have to swap all chips.
Each order comes with 8 Tested and Working 41256-12 16 Pin DIP Ram Chips w/Sockets
Guaranteed ….
These are the same chips I used to upgrade my Commodore 1764 to 512k Ram
8x Tested and Working 41256-12 32k Ram Chips for 256k
8x 16 Pin DIP Sockets
2x 430 Ohm Resisters Just in case you want to apply it at position R4 for Commodore 128 Use. You only need 1, the other is extra. I’m currently using my 1764 without and it’s working great at 512k Ram.
Use the extra memory, to copy floppies in one pass, use it for GEOS, use it to Play Sonic and much more…
Model and Brand Ram May Change, However all will be guaranteed tested and working when Shipped to you.